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Beauty From the Inside Out with Raj Barker

It makes sense that what we input affects our output in terms of energy levels, physical appearance, and the health of our skin. There is only so much we can control in this life but what we eat is one of them. Holistic nutritionist and wellness coach Raj Barker weighs in with some simple tips on eating for beauty.


Skincare in Lockdown: Q&A with Magda Bellanova

We’re back with Part 2 of our Q&A series titled Skincare in Lockdown.  We had a great chat with the wonderfully talented Magda Bellanova of Bellanova Beauty Lab in Brooklyn, NY, and got her scoop on the best at home skincare practices, and how to improve your skin between treatments.  Adapting to her clients’ needs during the pandemic, Magda started offering...


Skincare in Lockdown: Q&A with Habits Skin Lab

We’re all feeling a little out of sorts these days, adjusting to the new normal still doesn’t feel quite…normal?  We’ve had to learn to live without certain services that we had relied on for self-maintenance in the pre-pandemic world.  Regular facials and professional cosmetic treatments have been put on pause in most places.  Sometimes it takes losing something to really understand...


Antioxidants, Free Radicals + Oxidative Stress

We throw these words around a lot in the skincare world so we thought a better understanding would be beneficial. The more you know, the more you can do to help yourself, right? Let’s start with free radicals, the pesky molecules we can thank for breaking down collagen and manifesting many of the unflattering conditions we all want to avoid like...


Why the "HOW" Matters

If you’ve done even the most basic skincare research you will know that how you apply your products is almost as important as what products you use. Think back to your last facial and try recall how the professionals handled your skin. Is it different than how you typically treat yours on a daily basis? We want you to start treating your...

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