Raising the bar.
Like most great brands, Essentialist was created to better the playing field. Our founder was frustrated by the shortcomings of the traditional skincare models maximalist approach. It simply isn't the best pathway to acheive healthy skin. Transformative change takes time and sustaining those results requires a long term approach.
Enter our multitasking, minimalist method, designed to streamline routines and make the care of skin easy. Healthy skin starts here.
Our Mission
Our aim is to go beyond selling products. We want to demystify the care of skin and provide a platform for self-care and education.

The movement to start Essentialist began when I abandoned the traditional approach to skincare
Madina Baxandall, founder

My skincare journey in adulthood has been fraught with challenges. I was relatively problem free until my 30’s when everything changed dramatically. Living and working in Manhattan, stress, pressure, and pollution took a toll, my skin suffered the worst of it.
The growing need to turn inward, reset, and start caring for myself holistically, led me down the path of learning how to heal my skin. The movement to start Essentialist was founded upon my purist inclinations; clean, natural, and unadulterated. I’m incredibly grateful to be able to share our product and help guide you on the journey to healthier skin and higher well-being. I envision Essentialist as a way of life, let’s simplify together.

A higher standard
Canadian safety standards rank among the worlds strictest so our formulations never compromise your safety.
We've struck a balance in creating potent and effective products that are also gentle and non-irritating.
Trust us, we've got you.